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    Barry R. Denison

    Out going - Vice President Operations - ICEJ - International Christian Embassy Jerusalem HQ

    In Coming - Director Finances & Operations - ICEJ -USA, Inc. Based in Jerusalem

  • Sign up for email reports

    Barry & Deb send periodic email reports from their ministry activities.


    I've been an Ordained Pastor since 1983. In addition to my theological/biblical training I also have an MBA. As a family we lived and ministered in Brazil for 12 years and Israel for 7 years. We returned to the USA to be near our children as they did their university studies.

    My time in the US was dedicated to working as a economic consultant.

    I took 3 years to work as the Executive Pastor of Resurrection Fellowship in Loveland Colorado. Still our home church.

    In April 2014, I returned to Jerusalem, Israel where I am now the Vice President Operations of ICEJ - International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.


    In December in assumed the responsibilities as Director of Finances and Operations for ICEJ - USA, Inc. I remain based in Jerusalem with our family.

    We are seeing exciting doors open for ICEJ and enjoying the ramping up with the growth!

    Visit www.ICEJUSA.org to learn more.


  • For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.



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    International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

    Vice President Operations ICEJ - International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

    – Present

    Trinity Outreach International has loaned me to ICEJ.


    As Vice President Operations or COO for ICEJ, I am responsible to for the day to day activities of ICEJ here in Israel. We have a team of over 42 people from 15 countries. We insure that everything behind the scenes continues to work and work well. https://int.icej.org/


    I also supervise our AID department and the various projects to bless the people of Israel and the Aliyah department helping poor Jews return to their biblical homeland.


    I also travel periodically to speak for ICEJ on the biblical understanding of Israel and the Church; Why Christians should support Israel and the Jewish people and other biblical and current event issues.

    My team is responsible for much of the behind the scenes preparation for the annual International Christian Feast of Tabernacles held by ICEJ every year since 1980. It occurs during the Israeli Feast of Succoth.



    In 2018 ICEJ hosted over 6,500 Christians from almost 100 nations.

    In 2019 we are expecting even more Christians from around the world to join us here in Jerusalem.

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    Trinity Outreach International

    Volunteer Executive Director/CEO 
    – Present

    Currently Barry Denison, the CEO of TOI is on loan to the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, where he serves as the Vice President Operations.

    From 1984 to 1995 the Denisons were full time with TOI in Brazil. We lived in the Amazon and in later in Rio de Janeiro. I invested time training pastors and helping Brazilian pastors plant 25 churches.

    In 1995 TOI loaned the Denisons to Bridges for Peace and our family lived and served in Jerusalem Israel for 7 years.

    Currently Barry Denison is a volunteer as Executive Director for TOI.


    TOI provides compensation to Barry from donations.

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    Tereo Wealth Strategies LLC

    Managing Partner
    – Present

    Tereo, a division of Tereo Exploration and Development LLC is a boutique Economic Consulting firm.

    Tereo is involved in networking business opportunities around the world.


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